Rebirth: Book One of the Reluctant Warrior Chronicles is now available for preorder!

“An action-packed tale of classic good versus evil from the depths of human despair and heights of God’s grace. Filled with romance, betrayal, love, loss and ultimate triumph.”
—Tosca Lee, New York Times bestselling author of Legend of Sheba

“With crisp writing, relentless action, and breathless stakes, Amy Brock McNew’s Rebirth will grab readers from the first page and keep them riveted until the last. Liz Brantley is sure to claim a spot on the list of favorite kick-butt heroines right alongside Black Widow and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Fans of gritty urban fantasy won’t want to miss this ride!”
—Evangeline Denmark, author of Curio

“An intriguing debut from a fresh new voice that merges the spiritual and the supernatural, creating an inventive Christian Fantasy in the style of Peretti and Myers. Plus, there’s a bossy angel and a kick-butt heroine with a sword, folks!”
—Rachel A. Marks, author of Darkness Brutal

Now available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, and Kobo.

Don’t wait! The special preorder ebook price of $2.99 will go up to $4.99 the day after the launch party. Order your copy now.

Happy Reading!

~The L2L2 Publishing Team

Nothing Found

As we conclude our blog series of Liz and Ryland’s letters to each other, we want to point you to Amy Brock McNew’s website, For a limited time, she is offering her surprise as well as a giveaway for those who sign up for the launch of her newsletter.

Her Realm Warriors.

Don’t miss updates on Rebirth, the rest of the Reluctant Warrior Chronicles, and the launch parties soon to take place.

We hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know Liz and Ryland, and we are so glad you chose to join us!

Here it is. The final letter from Ryland. (If you missed yesterday’s post, read it here.)


You’re good. I’ll give you that.

It’s been two months now since you left and I’m no closer to having you back in my arms. No closer to having answers. I’ve come so close to you so many times, but every time you blow town before I can get a hold on you, barely leaving a trace that you’ve been there. Either you know somehow or you’re guessing that I’m on your trail, or you’re just trying to stay ahead of anyone who might be looking for you. Knowing you, I’m gonna say it’s a little of both.

Well, I guess it’s a good thing I can work from anywhere, because I have a feeling this could go on for a while longer than it already has. Least I won’t be hurting for money. But that’s actually not at the top of the list of my worries about now.

These places I’m finding out you’re staying, working. Liz, what are you thinking? It’s like you’re deliberately putting yourself in danger, tempting fate…

Click here to read the rest of this letter.

Just a few letters left! In this, the fourth letter between Liz Brantley and Ryland Vaughn, readers get an in-depth look into why Liz chooses to run. What drives her.

And it’s leading us seamlessly into Rebirth. (If you missed yesterday’s post, read it here.)

We hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know Liz and Ryland. We cannot wait until the first book of the Reluctant Warrior Chronicles is in your hands.

And tomorrow, we just may have more news about Amy Brock McNew’s surprise.

Hearts on the Page #4 by Amy Brock McNew

“Run Baby Run”


Sometimes, you can have a freaking awesome idea. Something that you think will solve all your problems, make life so much easier. This whole me leaving thing? Yeah, not my brightest decision. I admit it. Things have NOT gotten better. If anything, they’re worse. I’m staying in this nasty motel, because even though I make good tips at the restaurant I work at, it’s not enough to get a place of my own. Maybe I shoulda thought of that before I left with hardly any money.

Being low on cash is the least of my worries right now, though. In the past couple weeks, I’ve been jumped four times by demons. So I started practicing some more fighting moves like the ones you taught me, pulling videos up online since I can’t afford to go to a class. It’s weird, I’m even stronger than I was when I mentioned it in my last letter. I’ve been holding my own. No major injuries. But I don’t know why or how…

Click here to read more of this post.

As we continue Amy Brock McNew’s prequel series, we would like to draw your attention to a behind-the-scene tidbit featured here. These letters (this one especially) are leading to a surprise Amy Brock McNew has planned for her readers. (If you missed yesterday’s post, read it here.)

Follow the trail of letters to find out what it is. Do you have a guess?

Today’s letter, 3 of 5, is from Ryland to Liz. She is on the run, scared, and has no idea who to trust. Can Ryland help her?

Hearts on the Page #3 by Amy Brock McNew



Okay, I’ve had a lot of time to think over the past couple weeks and I’ve come to a few conclusions. First off, I think I’ll keep up with this writing thing. It actually did help to get this crap out of my system a little bit. Who knows? Maybe someday you’ll actually read it. I can only hope.

Anyway, I’ve realized something pretty important that I should’ve known right away, I was just too ticked off to see it. The last time I wrote you, I said I doubted your love. I knew as soon as I wrote it that it wasn’t true. I know you love me. I’ve felt it, I’ve seen it. Realizing that and knowing you like I do, I’m pretty sure I know at least part of the reason you left. You think you’re protecting me from something. Saving me. Well here’s the thing, baby girl: I don’t need protecting…

Read the rest of this letter here.

Today we are featuring the next of Amy Brock McNew’s “Hearts on the Page” prequel series. All are letters written between Liz Brantley and Ryland Vaughn before the Reluctant Warrior Chronicles begin. (If you missed yesterday’s post, see it here.)

Liz and Ryland’s backstory is both captivating and heartbreaking, and the perfect way to get to know these characters before Rebirth releases May 24, 2016.

Liz pens this second letter, knowing Ryland will never read it.

Hearts on the Page #2 by Amy Brock McNew

“My Heart is Broken”


I’m sitting here at some hole-in-the-wall joint in a town I don’t even know the name of, writing a letter I know I’m never gonna send. How’s that for pointless? Maybe it’ll make me feel better though. Doubtful. Life royally sucks about now. Yeah, maybe it’s partly my fault, but not all. I for sure didn’t give myself this freaking curse! But I am going to get rid of it. No matter what I have to do.

It’s like seven in the evening, and by now you know I’m gone. You probably flipped out and gathered a posse or something to look for me…

Click here to read more of this letter.

This week we are featuring five letters between Liz Brantley and Ryland Vaughn, all set before Rebirth.

If you want to delve into the psyche of these characters and fall in love with them like we did, we encourage you to get to know the stars of The Reluctant Warrior Chronicles.

The first letter is from Ryland.

Hearts on the Page #1 by Amy Brock McNew



You’ll probably never see this. I don’t normally like to write. It’s not like I keep a journal or anything, that’s your deal. At least, I think it is. I thought I knew everything about you. But I’m learning real fast that I don’t. Anyway, I just needed a way to get some of this crap out of my system. Some way to feel like I’m saying what I need to say, even though I have no idea if I’ll ever even see you again.

When I got the call from your parents this morning and they said you were gone, I panicked. I didn’t want to believe them when they said you’d taken your stuff. That’d mean you left me. Without telling me why. Without me getting to hold you and kiss you one more time. Without even saying goodbye. I tore up this county looking for you…

Read more of this letter.

Amy Brock McNew’s design company, Amaeris Productions, recently created a book trailer for her latest release, Rebirth.

It is incredible.

We had to share it with you.

Also, we want to thank everyone involved with Rebirth’s cover reveal this past Thursday.

Below are the links to the sites of those who hosted a portion of the reveal.

Thank you for making Rebirth’s cover reveal a success, and enjoy Amy Brock McNew’s book trailer!

~The L2L2 Publishing Team

Lindsay Franklin

Emilie Hendryx

H.A. Titus

Kat Heckenbach

Ralene Burke

JC Morrows

Zachary Totah

Avily Jerome

Josh Hardt

Gretchen Engel

Jennette Mbewe

Jason Joyner

Robin Mason

Rosalie Valentine

Michele Israel Harper

And, of course, Amy Brock McNew

And a special thank you to those who shared on their social media pages!

Pam Halter

Brittany Valentine

Colette Pedersen

Sarah Armstrong-Garner

Deanna Fugett

And many, many more!

Thank you, everyone!

We are pleased to announce Rebirth by Amy Brock McNew will be available to book lovers everywhere May 24, 2016.

This thrilling tale will captivate you as you delve into Liz and Ryland’s world of adventure, heartache, and unprecedented battle with the forces of evil. (Visit Amy Brock McNew’s site now to read four letters written between Liz and Ryland before this adventure takes place.)

About this book:

Liz Brantley has a gift she wants to return.
Able to see and fight demonic forces, she has spent her life alone, battling the minions of hell bent on her destruction, running from the God who gave her this curse. The demon Markus, drawn to her abilities, unleashes havoc on her hometown and pulls Liz further into the throes of battle.
She’s desperate for a normal life.
When she meets a mysterious man who seems unaware of the mystical realm that haunts her, the life she’s always wanted flits within reach. But her slice of normal slips from her grasp when an old flame, Ryland Vaughn, reappears with secrets of his own. Secrets that will alter her destiny.
Torn between two worlds, Liz is caught in an ancient war between good and evil.
And she isn’t sure which side to choose.

We simply cannot wait for you to read this, our newest release.

And isn’t that cover stunning? Thank you for joining us today!

~The L2L2 Publishing Team

Author Head Shot Amy copy

Amy Brock McNew doesn’t just write speculative fiction, she lives and breathes it. Exploring the strange, the supernatural, and the wonderfully weird, Amy pours her guts onto the pages she writes, honestly and brutally revealing herself in the process. Nothing is off-limits. Her favorite question is “what if?” and she believes fiction can be truer than our sheltered and controlled realities. Visit to learn more about this intriguing author.

Today we are thrilled to interview Amy Brock McNew. Join us as we learn more about Rebirth: Book One of the Reluctant Warrior Chronicles and, more importantly, the author herself. Let’s get started!

We are so excited to have you on the blog today, Amy! Tell us a little more about your soon-to-be-released novel, Rebirth. How did you start writing the Reluctant Warrior Chronicles?

  • I’ve been writing all my life, pretty much. Songs, poems, short stories. I have several articles in local publications. But I’d always wanted to write a novel. It wasn’t until after I started having back problems and had to give up my job as a nurse that I finally decided to write a book. No more excuses, you know? I wanted to write something that wouldn’t just entertain, but would help people too. To use my rather dark past to reach out to young women especially. But I didn’t want to write a memoir. I love speculative fiction (putting it mildly!), it intrigues and challenges me, so I knew I’d go the paranormal/supernatural route. I decided to bring the spiritual world into the physical realm, making internal struggles external, and mix it with my personal experiences. The idea took on a life of its own!

Do you have any writing rituals?

  • Well, I’m OCD, literally, so yeah, I do! Music is number one. I can write on my laptop, my Surface, even my phone, no big deal, but I have to have my tunes. If I’m home, I crank up the stereo. If not, earbuds are my best friend. Once I have my music, I usually grab either coffee or a cherry vanilla Coke. Then I settle in a comfy seat and get busy. It doesn’t really matter where I am, as long as I have those things.

Wow, so music is huge for you! What do you listen to while you write? Do you have one big playlist or several?

  • I’ve been a singer and played piano all my life. In fact, the first thing I ever wrote was a song. Music is in my soul, so it shapes and informs my writing. I listen to a rather eclectic variety of tunes, from classical to hard rock, to Christian metal, to country, to orchestral numbers. Some of my faves are RED, Tremonti, Two Steps From Hell, The Rigs, Fireflight, The Protest, and Audiomachine. I have several playlists. For each main character, the main couple, certain types of scenes. Each chapter title in TRWC is a song title, a song that encapsulates the mood of the chapter. For me, writing and music are inseparable.

Love that! “Writing and music are inseparable.” What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever received?

  • Two pieces of advice guide me. First: Get your characters stuck up in a tree, then throw rocks at them. The bigger the rocks, the better. And I follow that. I’m horrible to my characters! The second is a quote from Anton Checkhov. “Don’t tell me the moon is shining, show me the glint of light on broken glass.” Love that.

Although you don’t write typical CBA—your writing is intensely gritty and full of real-life heartache and struggles—Scripture seems to be a huge influence for you. Do you have a verse that inspires your writing?

  • That’s easy. My life verse. Isaiah 41:10 (NKJV): Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Beautiful. Thank you so much for joining us today, Amy! Before we go, what’s one weird or quirky thing others may not know about you?

  • Okay, confession. I have this thing about the packets you get with takeout orders that have utensils, napkins, and maybe salt and pepper or a hand wipe in them. I save them. In my kitchen, I actually have a drawer filled with them. Don’t ask. I have no idea other than it seems wasteful to pitch them, and hey, they may come in handy someday!

You never know, right? We hear you have some exciting news about your book’s cover? Maybe even a release date?

  • Hmmm…maybe you’ll have to go to my website ( on March 31st to find out. ;)

Thank you again, Amy. We cannot wait until March 31st!

We hope you have enjoyed this peek into the lives of our authors. Sign up to receive more author news, new releases, and updates.

Happy Reading!

~The L2L2 Publishing Team

Meet Amy Brock McNew. Author. Blogger. Fighter.

Former nurse and martial artist.

Amy doesn’t just write speculative fiction, she lives and breathes it. She enthusiastically explores the strange, the supernatural, and the wonderfully weird. She pours her guts onto the pages she writes, honestly and brutally revealing herself in the process. Nothing is off limits. Her favorite question is “what if?” and she believes fiction can be truer than our sheltered and controlled realities.

This wife and mom is a lover of music, chocolate, the beach, and cherry vanilla Coke. Her home is a zoo, filled with teenagers–both hers and those she seems to collect–two dogs, a cat, and various fish and amphibians. Strangely enough, her kids are the ones who have to tell her to turn the music down.

It is her firm belief that everyone should have a theme song.

Originally from Arkansas, Amy currently resides in Indiana. She and her Taekwondo-instructor husband are constantly acting like overgrown kids–and loving every minute of it. She longs for the day when her husband retires, so she can write her adventures of love and war on a back porch overlooking the ocean.

In flip flops.

Join us in welcoming Amy Brock McNew to Love2ReadLove2Write Publishing!

You can find her on her blog–Guts on the Page–and on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Goodreads.

We are so happy to have you, Amy!

~The L2L2 Publishing Team