We want to extend a huge thank you to each person who participated in Keen’s launch, especially those who were a part of Laura’s blog tour and cover reveal, those who shared absolutely anything Keen on social media, and particularly those who left a review.

Thank you so much!

As with every book L2L2 Publishing releases, we could not have done this without you.

Now that you’ve read Keen (or once you do), would you mind leaving a brief one-to-two sentence review and let us and others know what you thought of the book?

>>>A review is the single most important thing a reader can do to help an author’s book succeed. Seriously! Reviews make new books visible to more readers, encourage the author, and let us know what you enjoyed about the story. So help us spread the word and leave a brief review, anywhere you like!<<<

Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts, and we cannot wait to bring you more clean, stirring, and simply lovely fiction. You, our readers, mean the world to us and to our author.

Happy reading!

~The L2L2 Publishing Team

Did you miss out on any of the behind-the-scenes posts on Laura’s blog tour? Below is the full schedule if you’d like to learn more about Keen!

Blog Tour Schedule: